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Exploring a sustainable an innovative a conscious a transformative a resilient a bold an inclusive

vision of architecture.

Our open opportunities

Adaptive Reuse x Placemaking

Learn how to reuse old buildings while making them an exciting space for the community.

In partnership with:

AI x Biomimicry

Combine the timeless technique of mimicking nature with the latest technology in architecture.

In partnership with:

We are eager to explore

Our Topics

We want to transform our world by discussing, researching, learning, educating and sharing about key topics that are likely to make a major change in our everyday lives.


Learning from nature to reach sustainability.

Adaptive Reuse

Giving new live to old buildings.


Creating engaging spaces.


Discovering the future of architecture creation.

Humanitarian Architecture

Designing for those who need it the most.

What's next?

Many more topics to discover.

We work with the best


We invite inspiring experts from around the world to share their experiences, knowledge, visions, and dreams with our community.

We are creating an architecture hub


We gather an unstoppable and diverse community eager for global insights and distinguished leaders to equip them for today’s challenges.


Countries represented


Universities have connected with us

Our community profile:

She is committed to a more sustainable future in architecture.
She wants to complement her academic education with courses on key topics.


Architecture Students
She wants to participate in competitions to catapult her professional career.
She wants to meet top-tier professionals to secure job opportunities.


Young Architects (under 30 y/o)
She wants to meet like-minded architects to build strong partnerships.
She wants to learn about new materials, products and techniques to implement in her designs.


He uses architecture as a complement to his professional career.
He wants to learn about relevant matters that affects us all.


Others (designers, engineers, enthusiasts...)
How do we do it?


Expert-driven and rooted in real-world cases, our courses provide our community with actionable insights and best practices. Designed to inspire and develop skills, they offer:

  • Collaborative Learning: Engage in collective knowledge-sharing, fostering a richer understanding of topics.
  • Live or recorded sessions: Flexibility at its finest. Access course material live or via recorded sessions, catering to your schedule and pace.
  • Language Accessibility: While our courses are conducted in English, live subtitles are provided in over 35 languages, ensuring a broader reach and inclusive understanding for participants worldwide.


More than just contests, our idea-driven competitions serve as platforms. They allow participants to apply essential architectural concepts, test innovative solutions, and play an active role in crafting a more promising future.

  • Global Collaboration: Drawing participants from all corners of the world, our competitions foster diverse perspectives and insights, enriching the design pool.
  • Skill Enhancement: Beyond the design challenge, participants have the opportunity to refine their architectural prowess, gain feedback, and elevate their professional profile.
  • Sustainability Focus: Many of our competitions emphasize sustainable design, pushing participants to think green, innovate responsibly, and create solutions for a better tomorrow.

Do you want to make impact through architecture? Write to us and find out how we can do it together.